Choosing the Right Business Structure
For entrepreneur, one of the most important decision when starting a business is to choose the type of business entity or structure to conduct the business. A business entity or structure is the form and legal status of the business. A right business structure will avert problems and save a lot of money in the course of the business. If one dives deep into every factors, it is not always a straightforward choice. One has to consider the type of business, the relationship and arrangement between the owners and investors, the size of the business, organization structure, assignment of duty, ease of control, accountability and transparency, business profit, the need for further investment, taxation, costs and etc.
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Divorce and Dissolution of Marriage
The Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (Act 164) (“The Act”) is the statute which governs the solemnization and registration of marriages, divorce and other incidental matters in Malaysia. The Act generally applies to all persons in Malaysia and to all persons domiciled in Malaysia but are resident outside Malaysia with the exception of Muslims.
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How to Calculate Your Conveyancing Cost?
It can be safely assumed that most people are not aware of the costs and charges involved in a sale and purchase of property and the provision of a loan facility. After all, the calculation of legal fees can be quite technical. Generally, a clerk of a law firm will do the calculation and quotation of the legal fees and costs for you. However, they are bound to make mistake and wrongly interpret the rules and laws governing legal fees. In this article, we will explain to you how to calculate the costs in a conveyance of property.
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